Weight Of The World | Dylan Evans

Weight Of The World | Dylan Evans

clock-circular-outlinePosted 10 Feb 2019

From chemotherapy, to sparring with Darren Till, Dylan Evans understands what it means to push yourself both physically, and mentally, never letting anything stop you from pursuing your dreams. 

Throughout your chemotherapy, you continued to train, continuously pushing yourself regardless of treatment - where do you think your motivation comes from and what would you say to those who may be lacking it?

It was difficult at first because I was still in shock over the diagnosis. The chemo hit me really hard at the very beginning and I could barely get out of bed due to the nausea and vomiting. As time went on, I changed my approach to the whole thing. I was done with rolling over and letting the situation get the better of me! I originally thought my fitness would improve as I trained but it gradually got worse and worse regardless of how much cardio I did - I was just continuously being hammered by the chemo over and over again. I used it to fuel my fire. I felt as though the whole thing was in vain if I didn’t use it as an opportunity to improve myself in every way possible.  

You have spoken previously about the difference in your training before and after chemo as your body was still healing – how were you able to overcome this?

The training was and still is gruelling, but I’m feeling better for it every single day. The only real way I overcame it was embracing it and putting everything I have into it. Never giving up and never giving anything less than 100%. It was much easier when I started seeing real, tangible progress. 

How does it feel to find yourself training and sparring with someone like Darren Till on a regular basis?

It’s absolutely unreal. If you’d asked me where I thought I would be this time last year, the answer would not have been Liverpool. I have been at Kaobon full time now for a month and I can’t express the improvement I have seen in myself. Being able to learn and develop from Darren and the team here at Kaobon really is priceless. I’m extremely grateful for each and every one of them. 

Any comments on the upcoming Darren Till VS Jorge Masvidal…

Of course. I think It’s a fantastic match up as they’re both true fighters - always come for a scrap! However, I don’t think Jorge sees the end of the 2nd round. The power and accuracy that Darren possesses is phenomenal. 

BIG congratulations on the six month mark since you finished chemotherapy! If you could say anything/give any advice to someone who may be going through a similar situation, what would you say?

Thank you! It seems almost like an entire life time ago. When I look back at pictures and see how far I have come in those 6 months, it really does motivate me to keep going. Especially on the days where I may lack drive. A message to anybody going through a similar thing would be to not give up. Don’t give up the fight and never give up on your dreams - regardless of how big or small. Take the card you have been dealt and use it to improve yourself. I know how hard it is to stay positive when it seems like everything is stacking up against you, but it’s a lot harder if you have a negative mindset. 

As we’re currently in the midst of Gymshark 66 and we’re all about that New Year, New Me… any goals for 2019?

My main goal for 2019 is to fight again. A lot of people think I’m absolutely mental for wanting to fight so soon but it’s something that I need to do for myself. I want to prove that anything really is possible when you have the right mindset and work ethic. I’m really excited to show everybody how hard I have been working when I get the opportunity to step back in the cage.

Did you miss out on Habiba's interview? Check it out here! 

Want to watch the whole Weight Of The World | Gymshark 66 video? Find it here! 

Fancy going Behind The Scenes? Check it out here! 

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