Try these Killer Ab Circuit Ideas

Try these Killer Ab Circuit Ideas

clock-circular-outlinePosted 22 Jan 2019

Building up a strong core should be a critical part of everybody’s training programme. 

How to get a six pack is the question on everyone’s mind this time of year but, contrary to belief there’s more to it than just a clean aesthetic. Core exercises also help to increase power, strength and stability. It’s not just in the gym that having a strong core will help, strengthening your abdominal muscles provides a solid base for everyday activities from carrying your groceries to being able to stand up on your own two feet. 

If you're wondering how to get abs, or you're looking for a bit of inspiration, here are some ab blaster circuits that will help you on your way to building rock hard abs. 


Do each exercise back to back followed by 30 sec- 1-minute rest. Repeat 4 times. 


Do each exercise back to back followed by 30 sec - 45 secs rest. Repeat 4 times. 


Do each exercise back to back followed by 30-sec rest. Repeat 4 times.

If you want to challenge yourself further, try incorporating a medicine ball or a TRX in the circuit. These will destabilise you and therefore challenge your core even more. 

Give one of these core circuits a go and let us know how you get on. 

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