Train like Conor McGregor | Conor McGregor Workout

Train like Conor McGregor | Conor McGregor Workout

clock-circular-outlinePosted 6 Oct 2018

It’s time for Conor McGregor’s long-awaited return to UFC as he takes on champion Khabib Nurmagomedov.

Getting ready to take on the current undefeated lightweight champion requires a lot of preparation – you don’t get to be the Ultimate Fighting Champion by sitting on the sofa and binging on Netflix (sad, we know). 

McGregor prides himself on variety in his training. 

By continually diversifying his routine, Conor is able to target different muscle groups and break through plateaus. Using the principle of progressive overload, you can mimic his training in your own gym sessions. 

Here is how you can train like Conor McGregor. 

Strength and Conditioning

It might surprise you that to train like Conor McGregor, you don’t need a lot of fancy equipment – all you need is yourself and hella motivation.

 In the words of McGregor himself, ‘machines don’t use machines.’

And if anyone's a machine, it's definitely him.

This training philosophy means that the majority of McGregor’s strength training focuses on bodyweight exercises. 

End your sessions with a killer bodyweight circuit. We would recommend exercises such as burpees, pull-ups and jumping squats. 

You might also want to work on your boxing technique (if you really want to train like McGregor), so add some uppercuts and punches into your circuit training. Other exercises such as the Frozen V-sit and commandos should be incorporated into your workout to build core strength. 

Start small with 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off and repeat the circuit of your chosen exercises 4 times. This is also a great way to build up your cardiovascular fitness and reduce body fat. 


If you want to train like Conor McGregor, then you cannot neglect mobility training.

McGregor’s workouts always begin with stretches, both static and dynamic. Not only does this physically prepare your body for training, but it also helps to increase your mental endurance

You might not think it, but along with bodyweight circuits, to train like McGregor you might want to start hitting up your local yoga class. 

Sound weird? Constant hardcore training can lead to tight, fatigued muscles. To prevent this, yoga (or at least good warm ups and cool downs) are an essential part of training like a champion. 

Some dynamic stretches might include Muay Thai knees, walking lunges, hip circles, crab walks and shoulder rotations

Start with doing each movement for one minute before your workouts to increase your range of motion, agility and flexibility. 

Our top tips for training like Conor McGregor 

Don’t over-complicate things.

You’re not too good for anything.

Make sure you’re not overtraining

Don’t get stuck in a rut.

Give a bodyweight circuit a go and let us know how you get on. You might find it challenges you a lot more than you first expected. 

Who do you think is going to win the fight? Let us know in the comments below. 

Want to see more in the 'Train Like' series? Check out How to Train Like Anthony Joshua here. 

Read more from Gymshark Central.

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