Top 10 Fitness trends to watch out for in 2019

Top 10 Fitness trends to watch out for in 2019

clock-circular-outlinePosted 29 Dec 2018

A lot has changed in the fitness world over the past 12 months, but what is in store for next year?

The American College of Sports and Medicine (ACSM) have recently announced the results of their worldwide fitness trend survey.

Here is what over 2,000 health and fitness professionals predict will be the next big things in fitness in 2019.

Number 10

Just making it into the top 10 is a global initiative set up by ACSM – Exercise Is Medicine.

This global initiative is focused on health-care providers encouraging their patients to take on exercise as part of their regular check-ups. 

You can find out more about the initiative here. 

Number 9

Something we have talked about before on Gymshark Central, at number 9 is functional training.

2019 will see an increase in people tailoring their training towards building balance, coordination and strength not just for aesthetics, but also to help improve activities in day to day life.

Number 8

At number 8, sits personal training, which has secured it’s a spot in the top 10 for the past 13 years! Impressive.

Experts predict that with the increase in popularity of strength training and training like a professional, people will be looking towards personal trainers to help them smash their goals.

Only helped along by studies revealing that 66% of our athletic performance comes down to genes, which only promotes the benefits of personalised programmes.

Number 7

Number 7 is a practice that has been a popular fitness trend for years now, but according to experts, it is only going to continue to rise in 2019.

Yep, number 7 goes to yoga.

The past year has seen yoga take on many new forms, from hot yoga to power yoga, and with it only continuing to grow in popularity thanks to the new focus on mindfulness, who knows what 2019 might have in store for this ancient practice?

Number 6

At number 6 is people seeking out certified fitness professionals. 

The fitness industry is only continuing to grow (just head to Instagram for proof), and so 2019 will see an increased emphasis on those who have been certified by educational programmes that are fully accredited.

No-BS 2019. We’re here for it.

Number 5

Sitting pretty in fifth place is bodyweight training. 

Since this can be done anywhere and is the most cost-effective way of keeping fit, experts predict it will continue to grow in popularity with people incorporating more bodyweight exercises into HIIT circuits and shorter, 30-minute workouts.

Number 4

In today’s day and age, people are living a lot longer than they used to, and so 2019 is likely to see the fitness industry adapt to this by offering more fitness programmes for older adults.

With the rise of strength training, it is likely that these programmes will be focused on resistance training to encourage the maintenance of bone density and strength.

Number 3

It really is no surprise that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has made it into the top 3.

HIIT first became popular back in 2014, when it first hit the top spot. Last year it also scored itself first place.

Number 2

Just missing out on the top spot is group exercise. 

2018 has seen more and more people head to their local spin class to keep fit, and it seems that this will only continue in 2019.

Number 1

In first place, it’s wearable technology. 

Despite there being very little scientific evidence supporting the health claims about wearable technology, it looks like this trend will not be going anywhere any time soon.

These might not have made it into the top 10, but we still think they deserve an honourable mention because, well… we think they’re really cool.

At number 13 is mobile exercise apps. With more and more people using apps to help them on their fitness journey, we’re super excited to see what cool stuff is on the horizon for 2019.

At number 15 is another 2019 fitness trend we are really on board with! Fitness experts have predicted that we will see an increase in worksite health promotion and well-being programmes, helping employers improve the health and wellness of their employees.

So, there you have it. 

Let us know in the comments below. 


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