Can Vegans Powerlift?

Can Vegans Powerlift?

clock-circular-outlinePosted 31 Jan 2019

When you think about a powerlifters diet, the first thing that comes to mind is probably protein. Lots and lots of protein... 

Whether that be in the form of the usual chicken and rice staple or whey protein supplements, it is a common conception that to build muscle and gain strength, you really need to be consuming animal products.

However, Warwick Barbell are back to bust the myth that to be a successful powerlifter you have to eat meat. Barbell member, and the Women’s flight winner of the societies internal meet, Tara Pigott shared her experience as a vegan powerlifter with Gymshark Central.

When did you become a powerlifter? 

I started powerlifting back in October when I started at University. I’ve always been involved in competitive sport, and when I first got here, I heard about the society and thought I’d give it a go. 

And when did you become vegan?

I’ve been vegan for just under 3 years now. Initially, it was mainly for health reasons. I wanted to nourish my body, and I had heard a lot about the benefits of a more plant-based diet. I tried it, and it was great! 

Once I had made the switch to veganism I learnt a lot more about the ethical and environmental reasons behind veganism – it just seemed like a no-brainer!

Has your diet changed since becoming a powerlifter? 

When I started powerlifting, I began to focus my diet a lot more around whole foods, like vegetables, legumes and healthy fats. I found that by doing this, it was easy to hit my protein requirements.

It’s a common misconception that plant-based foods don’t contain protein, but that’s not true! You’d be surprised how easy it is. Since focusing more on whole, vegan foods, I have definitely noticed an improvement in my health, especially in the gym. 

I’ve found that I not only feel better, but I have seen much quicker muscle gain. 

Check out some high-protein, vegan meal prep recipes here if you’re stuck for inspiration. 

Do you track your macros?

No, I don’t – I have kind of got used to it now and know how much I should be eating and what my body needs. It’s more like intuitive eating. You kind of just learn what is right for you and what makes you feel good. 

It is often assumed that to hit your macronutrient requirements as a vegan you have to take lots of supplements. Do you take any?

I take B12 as this can be something that vegans struggle to get from their diet alone, but apart from that no. Protein bars and powders just aren’t necessary for me as everything I need I can get from whole foods. 

If you’re looking for some vegan protein inspiration, you can see a list of our favourites here

It’s time for the big one, are veganism and powerlifting compatible? 

I definitely think it’s compatible. The meals I make are all healthy, easy and really cheap. It is doable, and I can see the benefits of my diet in the gym. 

Do you have any advice for vegan powerlifters?

I would say don’t just focus on your macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat) but also focus on the micronutrients. Not to sound like your Mum, but make sure you’re getting enough veggies because they’re also really important for making progress and keeping generally healthy. 

Are you a vegan powerlifter? Do you get your protein from whole foods or do you take supplements to help you out? 

Let us know in the comments down below. 

With thanks to Tara and Warwick Barbell


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