The Journey To My First Competition | Beth Tomlinson

The Journey To My First Competition | Beth Tomlinson

clock-circular-outlinePosted 12 Sep 2017

Hi everyone! 

So, this is just a little introduction in to the series- in case anyone is new to me and what I am about!  

Here is a little bit of background information- 

• I have been training around three and a half years (however, it’s not like I knew what I was doing in the start). 

• I am completely self-taught, and threw myself into fitness when I started university three years ago at 19, studying marketing and business.  

• I had a rough start as my dad sadly passed from terminal cancer and I was moving three hours from home to study. 

I wanted to be home supporting my mum and family, but ultimately, life goes on, no matter what. 

Dad wanted me to stay at university. At 69, he was also studying a degree, and had finally found what he was passionate about. Unfortunately, he never finished due to his illness, which only fuelled my desire to take on my degree, and absolutely smash it. 

At the same time, I am only human. 

Grieving was hard alongside university, and I needed some sort of escape. Yoga did not appeal to me as I have never been very flexible, nor patient! 

The sports group initiations were awful (let’s just say- drinking cat biscuits mixed with cheap cider whilst sitting in a paddling pool of puke), my university is not tame! So, the seemingly easy option for some space and exercise, was the gym. 

When I started, I did not set out with the intention of getting to where I am now. I didn’t think it was even possible. 

Exercise had always given me a good buzz; I was in multiple sports groups at college, so I thought, why not. Since I had never, ever, lifted a dumbbell before, let alone attempted a squat, I tried to use the gym during quiet times, when it was pretty empty.

In fact, the first time I ever went to the gym, there was two huge guys in there listening to loud music. I was so intimidated, and scared of being judged, I went straight back to my room! 

Do you ever get that super paranoid feeling when you try something new, and feel as though everyone thinks you are a weirdo? Yeah, that was me. 

Alongside this, I had found some super inspiring women on Instagram, their transformations amazed me, and gave me hope I could make similar progress. 

Along with my degree, I threw myself into articles, YouTube videos, and in my spare time, I looked at exercise routines- how to improve my form in lifts and nutrition. 

As the years’ have gone on, I have learnt through trial and error. I have also utilised experience and help from knowledgeable individuals. 

Which brings me to where I am today- currently coached by the superstar Jack Lenton himself. We are working hard together to bring me to my first ever WBFF show at Body Power 2018, in Birmingham.

For all of you that don’t know, that means getting up on stage in front of a hell of a lot of people, in a bikini, and showing off what you have busted your ass for over the last few years. Scary, right? 

Yep. I am absolutely terrified. Especially knowing I am about as graceful as an elephant. 

Anyway, in this series of posts I will take you along with me. Using this space almost as a diary entry, to express my feelings about the process, and give you guys a good idea of what goes into it. 

I am not going to lie; this is very out of my comfort zone. 

From starting out a UK size 4, weighing in roughly around 6 stone, to being a UK size 8/10 weighing in at 8 stone 13; gaining weight to feel healthy has always been my goal. To think about stripping it down next year in prep for my show scares me. 

So, why am I doing this? For the experience. To say I have been there, done that, almost like a tick on my bucket list. I want to see what I am made of, to push myself, and ultimately conquer a few fears when it comes to confidence. 

I must remember; whatever I bring to this I am still a winner, even if I come last. 

I am not doing this for a trophy, but more as a confidence boost, to know what I am truly capable of. So, introductions all done and dusted, we are ready to get into this! 

In the next series of articles, I will talk about how I am currently trying to put on more muscle mass in the off season, also known as a ‘bulk’. 

I will share with you how I am doing this, what my diet is like alongside training. 

Hopefully, you can get some ideas and good information to use yourself! 

Catch you soon,

B x

GymsharkBy Gymshark